How do we conduct a High Conservation Value (HCV) Assessment?

Various techniques are applied to sample the available faunal and fish species in the project area. These sampling methods include camera traps, small mammal traps, cast nets, fyke nets, gill nets, angling and electro-fishing, and they are dependent on on-site characteristics.

Faunal community structures and diversity are determined where possible and if necessary; this information is used to investigate essential community characteristics. The information and specific characteristics of dominant and present species. Faunal and Floral samples may be collected for identification.

To comply with HCV assessment guidelines, the conservation status and degree of endemism of fauna and flora communities is determined using the International Union for the Conservation of Nature.

Following on from the baseline studies, the following is carried out:

– Identification and species list generation; and
– Data analysis and mapping of sample areas, habitat types, and specific important species locations. All lists are assessed against a database to determine their IUCN and CITES status, scientific publications reviewed, and specialist opinion used to determine the conservation importance of species not assessed for IUCN.

Once mapping, statistics, and conservation important species analysis have been done, the additional components can be completed.

The social and ecosystem services typically lead site visits the relevant project site following the desktop review and conduct on-site assessments to identify gaps in existing data. A detailed eco system services and social assessment will include the engagement of the local communities and stakeholders through individual and group discussions. Questionnaires are generally used where applicable with the support of local translators. Participatory mapping is facilitated throughout the villages in the concession/project area.

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